FARO As-Built for Autodesk Revit je vmesnik, ki omogoča hiter in intuitiven potek dela za obdelavo podatkov 3D laserskega skeniranja neposredno v Autodesk Revit. Je odlično dopolnilo za uporabnike Revita, ki delajo z velikimi točkovnimi oblaki in se brezhibno integrira z znanim Revit-ovim uporabniškim vmesnikom. Ima široko paleto orodij za delo z podatki 3D laserskega skeniranja s prilagojenimi ukazi za modeliranje BIM elementov.
V nadaljevanju so zbrane video predstavitve funkcionalnosti, ki jih vmesnik omogoča znotraj programske opreme Revit:
Video 1:
- Overview of Command Ribbon
- Inserting and Acquiring Point Cloud coordinates
- Defining Levels
Video 2:
- Point Cloud Preparation
- Fit Walls
- Align Walls
Video 3:
- Importing Scans to VirtuSurv and linking a VirtuSurv Project to Revit
- Inserting levels and using the “Auto Level” Feature
- Using the “Wall” and “Wall thickness” commands
- Inserting Columns and Beams
- Inserting Windows, Doors and Openings
- Inserting Model lines and Construction Points
Video 4:
- Calculating the “Surface Deviation” of modelled elements from Point Clouds
- Hiding / Restoring the results and transferring them between views
- Switching between deviation analysis result modes
- Exporting the results for analysis and use within the other As-Built tools
Video 5:
- Creating a topographic surface using points selected in Revit & VirtuSurv
- Creating a topographic surface using results export from Surface Analysis
- Deforming a model element using points selected in Revit & VirtuSurv
- Deforming a model element using results export from Surface Analysis
- Clearing data from Model
Video 6:
- Creating Orthographic images in both colour and greyscale
- Loading Orthographic images into a Family template and aligning them
- Selecting an area of 3D points and loading them into a family template
Video 7:
- Creating a Reference Plane with multiple point selections
- Creating a Reference Plane by generating a contour
- Using the Plane Intersection tool as modeling aids fro roof construction
- Creating a mass roof structure based on a model line wireframe
Video 8:
- One Sided Wall Extraction
- Fit Polygon to a Scanned Profile
- “Save As Family” for Wall Sweeps